
2018 mira triga tribe

2018 mira triga tribe

we are so happy you’re here!

We are Nate + Roxanna Miller, our name ‘the little millers’ originated from Nate’s childhood nickname- as the youngest of 5 siblings, he was always ‘little nate’ & when we got married his brother called us ‘the littles’ and it stuck.

We met at church camp when I was 14 and he was 15. The following summer we went on our first mission trip together to Manaus, Brazil. We fell in love that trip- were baptized together in the Amazon River, and experienced love so great it could only be from God. The last 10 years have been nothing short of God’s unconditional love for us. We got married in June of 2018 and are finally doing what God has been preparing us to do for over a decade- serve as full time missionaries in the place where it all began.

We partner with the mission organization that started it all- Ray of Hope to make the name of Jesus famous in the Amazon. Follow along our day-to-day life preparing to be missionaries & doing the dang thing! This is a space we will utilize to keep friends + family updated on what God is doing in the Amazon. If you are new around here or would like to read more about our story click below!

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Matthew 25:40