our mission:

To make the name of Jesus Christ famous in the Amazon


Why Brazil?

The indigenous people that live along the Amazon and Rio Negro River are amongst the hardest to reach in the world. On our first trips to Brazil we learned that these people are known as the "forgotten people" because of the lack of support they receive. Children are hungry, disease wipes out villages because of a lack of medical care, and most of them will never get to experience the love, grace, and forgiveness of God.

“It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was not known” Romans 15:20

When we were baptized in the Amazon in 2012 we felt connected to the Amazon River and its people forever. Our mission is to make the name of Jesus Christ famous in the Amazon. This is no small task. There are thousands of people that live along this river that have never heard the name of Jesus. God has put it on our hearts for many years that He wants us to change that. 


Ray of Hope

More than seventeen years ago Gloria Santos Reynolds started the mission organization called Raio de Esperança meaning Ray of Hope. Ray of Hope is a river boat ministry that operates out of Manaus, Brazil and brings massive amounts of resources to the indigenous villagers along the Amazon and Rio Negro River. RoH focuses on the food & nutrition, medical needs, and children’s camps among the indigenous people. Their work also consists of relief resources, caring for the special needs people in the community, and doing all this work to spread the name of Jesus throughout the amazon.


Grace Church

Grace Church’s vision statement is “to be outward focused followers of Jesus.” They take the “outward focused” part very seriously. GC has been taking yearly trips to the Amazon since 2014, and cares deeply for these people. Because of their love for the Amazon and for us, they have sent us to be full-time missionaries! As our sending church, they helped us prepare for a life in the mission field in a 9-month missionary training program.

In partnership with Ray of Hope & Grace Church we have been sent to continue the work of Ray of Hope to be outward focused followers of Jesus